


Total Sales Team Reporting

Sales Insights is your bottom of funnel platform to improve your sales pipeline. Whether you are the CEO, CMO, CFO, Sales Director or individual contributor, the Sales Insights process bring alignment across your entire organization.
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See what is happening deep within your sales funnel, uncover hidden deals and opportunities that have been hidden within the CRM.
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Get clear and actionable insights on what to do to grow sales & revenue, improve conversion rate, decrease customer acquisition cost and more.
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Ensure that the team and deal flow is growing month over month, quarter over quarter. Never miss a quota again and ensure that marketing is driving lead growth.

The Sales Insights Modules

Your Sales Insights platform contains the following modules with dozens of reports therein
Deal Wins
Deal Wins

Improve Conversion Rate

See which deals are winning and losing and how your conversion rate is changing.
Deal Size
Deal Size

Grow Sales & Revenue

Ensure that your average deal size is increasing consistently leading to improved revenue and efficiency.
Deal Aging
Deal Aging

Decrease Delay

See how long it is taking to close deals and if the team is getting slower and costing you conversions.
Deal Flow
Deal Flow

Grow Leads

You can’t sell leads you don’t have. Ensure that deals are coming into the pipeline and ready to sell.
Pipeline Value
Pipeline Value

Increase ROI

Months before a sale closes, know the value and if you are likely to hit your targets.

Marketing Success

Know which marketing channels are driving lead flow and converting the best and where to spend your time.
Channel Flow
Channel Flow

Improve Acquisition Cost

See how marketing changes are impacting your lead flow, conversion rate and CAC.
Lost Reason
Lost Reason

Stop Churn

Improve retention and account value by seeing the reasons customers are leaving.

Predict the future

Know if you are likely to hit, miss or exceed your quota with detailed forecasting and prediction.

Acquire Brands

Ensure the growth of existing accounts and key brands to accelerate revenue growth.


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Sales Insights is a sales analytics and strategy firm that uncovers opportunities and deal-breakers for any sales team.
Sales Insights implements the OSM data model. Visit OSM to learn more.