How We Work

How We Work

Predict your pipeline, forecast future revenue, and uncover deal-breakers

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It starts with your sales data


1️⃣ Audit

1-2 weeks
We’ll audit your existing revenue, pipeline and qualification steps to ensure that your sales & revenue can be accurately reported on.

2️⃣ Cleanup

2-4 Weeks
Then we’ll clean up your historical record of deals. This ensures that your forecasts and reports are accurate.

3️⃣ Baseline

1-2 Weeks
Then you’ll get your baseline report that tells you what is going on in the business. We’ll find opportunities that are hidden and deal breakers to watch out for.


Get insights every week with a dashboard just like this. But you’re not alone.

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Your Analytical Sales Strategist keeps your team on track. They help keep your data clean and discover insights.



Our methodology contains a ton of insights, here is just a sample

Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate

Improve Conversion Rate

See which deals are winning and losing and how your conversion rate is changing.
Average Sale Price
Average Sale Price

Grow Sales & Revenue

Ensure that your average deal size is increasing consistently leading to improved revenue and efficiency.
Time to Win
Time to Win

Decrease Delay

See how long it is taking to close deals and if the team is getting slower and costing you conversions.
Deal Flow
Deal Flow

Grow Leads

You can’t sell leads you don’t have. Ensure that deals are coming into the pipeline and ready to sell.

We have the services & partners ready

Increase Flow

Channel Management

Content Writing, Ad Management, Lead Generation and more, we have channel partners for every business.
Keep it clean

CRM Administration

Keep your data clean and automate your sales workflows to make your team more efficient.
Improve your position


Our brand partners can help you improve the messaging of your company and marketing assets.
Increase Sales

Conversion Optimization

Improve the performance of the lead generation to get more deals into the sales team.


Ready to chat?

We love talking about sales strategies and business. Connect with us and tell us more about your unique situation.


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Sales Insights is a sales analytics and strategy firm that uncovers opportunities and deal-breakers for revenue scale up.
Sales Insights implements the PRO Framework.